Holy Apostles Orthodox Church
345 Ridge Rd, Lansing, NY
Orthodox Church in America
Movie Night

On Friday night, October 4, after installing our new iconostasis, we stayed to watch the Russian spiritual classic The Island (Ostrov).  The Island is a compelling fictional drama of the life and spiritual struggle of a sniveling ship hand who through a dramatic war event, encounters true repentance and reconciliation. His wholesome contrition, faith and struggle endows him as a mystic and enigma on his tiny little island, performing miracles, foreseeing the future and other events while living a self-deprived, repentant life. Taking place in the wake of the Russian/Nazi conflict of World War II, The Island begins with a gripping first scene and ends in tearful, dramatic fashion. (English subtitles.)  Popcorn was provided, and many snacks were shared.  We hope to do this again in the future. 

The Island Viewing - 10/04/2013

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