During his visit here on September 14, Bp Michael tonsured Sr Warden Bob West to the rank of Reader. Bob is a dedicated member of the parish, having served as Sr Warden for two terms, and is a faithful server at the altar of Christ on Sunday mornings. On Saturday evenings and at many other times, he is also found in the choir lending a hand in the singing and reading. This tonsuring is a first step in clerical ministry for Bob as he explores what God's will may be for his future in service to Christ through His holy Church.
Upon being tonsured by His Grace, the service book provides this exhortation to the new reader: My son, the first degree of the Priesthood is that of Reader. It behooves you therefore, to peruse the divine Scriptures daily, to the end that the hearers, regarding you may receive edification; that you in nowise shaming your election, may prepare yourself for a higher degree. For by a chaste, holy and upright life you shall gain the favor of the God of loving-kindness, and shall render yourself worthy of a greater ministry, through Jesus Christ our Lord; to whom be glory unto ages of ages. Amen.
May God grant the Reader Robert many, many years!
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