Dearly Beloved in the Lord:
Christ is in our midst!
One of the most remarkable things that Jesus ever said to His disciples was: "If you have faith even as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you" (Matthew 17:20). He told them that faith can move mountains.
Over the past month, I have witnessed a miracle proving that! On two occasions, a total of more than one hundred individuals, from across the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, came to the outskirts of Princeton, New Jersey, to help the faithful of the Mother of God Mission Parish build their new temple. Because of their common faith that brought them together, they worked together to literally move a mountain of rock that would have blocked the construction of the new church, and they used those rocks to build a retaining wall around the back of the edifice.
I cannot tell you how proud I am of those workers - men and women, young people and senior citizens - who joined in that effort to move 150 tons of rocks, saving the parish thousands of dollars that would have had to be paid to professionals! They moved one mountain to help build a church!
In the building efforts of the new Mother of God Church, another mountain remains in the way - a financial one. The parish still needs $700,000 in total to complete the project ... and $200,000 as soon as possible to continue the work of this current phase! As a generous contributor to the Church in the past, I am inviting you to partner with us in making the miracle of this new temple come to fruition!
I am asking you and anyone you may know to join others across New York and New Jersey to help move this mountain and finish the building of a new church in Princeton! From the blessings God has given you, I urge you to make a donation toward this most worthy effort! Please send your contribution to:
Mother of God Orthodox Church
Post Office Box 511
Rocky Hill, New Jersey 08553
Please be assured that for your generosity, you will be remembered daily in my prayers and in the divine services offered in our Diocese, And please know that your kind gift evokes the blessing promised by the Lord: "Offer full tithes ... and put Me to the test, says the Lord of Hosts, and see if I will not open the windows of Heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing" (Malachi 3:10).
With my prayers, my blessings and my love,
Bishop Of New York and New Jersey
Orthodox Church in America
More information and other ways to contribute can be found at
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