Holy Apostles Orthodox Church
345 Ridge Rd, Lansing, NY
Orthodox Church in America
Reception to the Catechumenate

To celebrate the Second Sunday of Great Lent and St Gregory Palamas, two longtime visitors to the parish were welcomed into the ranks of the catechumenate before the Divine Liturgy.  Sam and Steve both were called to the front of the congregation after the Sixth Hour.  With his hands on their heads, Fr James read the prayer over them initiating their first steps in coming to the Church.  The full prayer read over them was this;

In Thy name, O Lord of truth, and in the Name of Thine Only-begotten Son, and of Thy Holy Spirit, I lay my hand upon Thy servant, ________ who has been found worthy to flee unto Thy Holy Name, and to take refuge under the shelter of Thy wings. Remove far from (him/her) (his/her) former delusion, and fill (him/her) with the faith, hope and love which are in Thee; that (he/she) may know that Thou art the only true God, with Thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and Thy Holy Spirit. Enable (him/her) to walk in all Thy commandments, and to fulfill those things which are well-pleasing unto Thee; for if a man do those things, he shall find life in them.  Inscribe (him/her) in Thy Book of Life, and unite (him/her) to the flock of Thine inheritance. And may Thy Holy Name be glorified in (him/her), together with Thy beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ and of Thy life-creating Spirit.  Let Thine eyes ever regard (him/her) with mercy, and let Thine ears attend unto the voice of his/her supplication.  Make (him/her) to rejoice in the works of (his/her) hands, and in all (his/her) generation; that (he/she) may render praises unto Thee, may sing, worship and glorify Thy great and exulted Name always, all the days of (his/her) life.  For all the powers of Heaven sing praises unto Thee, and Thine is the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

As a mission parish family, let us continue to pray for the catechumenate and encourage them on their entrance into Christ's Holy Church.  May God grant them many years.

Reception to the Catechumenate - 03/31/2013

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